We will provide a thorough exam before deciding to replace your unit. If needed, our skilled technicians have been trained to install the highest rated appliances.
Is your AC not working? We’ve got you covered! We offer fast, affordable, and reliable AC repairs.
Not only will we keep everything running at full capacity, but we offer annual maintenances to have your system checked and running throughout the year.
We install protective UV lights to enhance air quality. An HVAC UV light is a light that helps to clean and purify the air in your home. UV light prohibits the accumulation of microorganisms, mold, and mildew that can clog the passageways of an AC system, making the motor work harder and shortening the useful life of the mechanics. These lights are installed in the air handler or ductwork of your HVAC system.
It is time to schedule your Spring Maintenance with AC Rescue, now through May 31st!